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The Police

Update: 2022/8/27


š Song DAM JOY Kara
1 Bed's Too Big Without You œ
2 Bring On the Night œ
3 Canary in a Coalmine œ
4 Can't Stand Losing You œ œ œ
5 De Do Do DoCDe Da Da Da œ œ œ
6 Demolition Man œ
7 Don't Stand So Close To Me œ œ œ
8 Driven to Tears œ
9 Every Breath You Take œ œ œ
10 Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic œ œ œ
11 Hole in My Life œ
12 Invisible Sun œ
13 King Of Pain œ œ œ
14 Message In A Bottle œ œ œ
15 Murder by Numbers œ
16 Next To You œ
17 Roxanne œ œ œ
18 So Lonely œ œ
19 Spirits In The Material World œ œ
20 Synchronicity I œ œ
21 Synchronicity‡U œ œ œ
22 Walking in Your Footsteps œ
23 Walking On The Moon œ œ œ
24 When the World Is Running Down, You Make the Best of What's Still Around œ
25 Wrapped Around Your Finger œ œ
š Œv 14 11 24




No Song DAM JOY UGA Lavca SEGA ‘·Œε‹σ
1 De Do Do DoCDe Da Da Da œ œ œ œ - -
2 Don't Stand So Close To Me - œ - œ - -
3 Every Breath You Take œ œ œ œ - œ
4 Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic œ - œ œ - -
5 King Of Pain œ - œ œ - -
6 Message In A Bottle œ œ œ œ - -
7 Roxanne œ œ œ œ - -
8 Spirits In The Material World - œ - œ - -
9 Synchronicity‡U - - œ - - -
10 The Police Medley - - - œ - -
11 Walking On The Moon - - - œ - -
12 Wrapped Around Your Finger - - - œ - -
š Œv 6 6 7 11 0 1
