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Update 2022/8/14


š Song DAM JOY Kara
1 1999 œ œ œ
2 7 œ
3 Adore œ
4 Alphabet St. œ œ
5 Baby I'm a Star œ
6 Baltimore œ œ
7 Batdance œ œ
8 Betcha By Golly Wow! œ œ
9 Black Sweat œ
10 Breakdown œ
11 Chaos And Disorder œ
12 Computer Blue œ
13 Controversy œ œ œ
14 Cream œ œ œ
15 Darling Nikki œ
16 Delirious œ œ
17 Diamonds and Pearls œ
18 Dinner with Delores œ
19 Do Me,Baby œ œ
20 Endorphinmachine œ
21 Erotic City œ
22 Funknroll œ œ
23 Erotic City œ
24 Girls & Boys œ
25 Get Off œ
26 Glam Slam œ
27 Gold œ œ œ
28 Guitar œ
29 How Come U Don't Call Me Anymore? œ
30 I Could Never Take the Place of Your Man œ
31 I Feel For You œ
32 I Hate U œ
33 I Wanna Be Your Lover œ œ œ
34 I Would Die 4 U œ œ œ
35 If I Was Your Girlfriend œ
36 Kiss œ œ œ
37 Let It Go œ
38 Let's Go Crazy œ œ œ
39 Little Red Corvette œ œ œ
40 Look At Me, Look At U œ
41 Money Don't Matter 2 Night œ
42 Moonbeam Levels œ œ
43 Musicology œ œ œ
44 My Love Is Forever œ
45 New Power Generation œ
46 Nothing Compares 2 U (Studio version) œ
47 P. Control œ
48 Peach œ
49 Pink Cashmere œ
50 Pop Life œ
51 Purple Rain œ œ œ
52 Raspberry Beret œ œ œ
53 Rock and Roll Love Affair œ
54 Scandalous! (Batman) œ
55 Sexy M.F. (clean) œ
56 Sexy M.F. œ
57 Sign Of The Times œ œ œ
58 Soft And Wet œ
59 Sometimes It Snows In April œ
60 Stare œ
61 The Beautiful Ones œ
62 The Breakdown œ
63 The Greatest Romance Ever Sold œ
64 The Morning Papers œ
65 The Most Beautiful Girl In The World œ œ œ
66 The Song Of The Heart œ œ
67 Thieves in the Temple œ
68 U Got The Look œ œ
69 When Doves Cry œ œ œ
70 When You Were Mine œ œ
71 Why You Wanna Treat Me So Bad? œ
72 Xtraloveable œ
š Œv 34 29 50




š Songs DAM JOY UGA Lavca SEGA ‘·Œε‹σ
1 1999 œ - œ œ - œ
2 Chaos And Disorder - - œ - - -
3 Cream œ - œ - - -
4 Endorphinmachine œ - œ - - -
5 I Wanna Be Your Lover œ - œ - - -
6 Kiss œ - - - - -
7 Let It Go - - œ - - -
8 Let's Go Crazy œ œ œ œ œ œ
9 Little Red Corvette œ - œ - - œ
10 Musicology œ œ œ - - -
11 Purple Rain œ œ œ œ - œ
12 Raspberry Beret œ - œ - - œ
13 The Most Beautiful Girl In The World - - œ - œ -
14 When Doves Cry œ œ œ œ - œ
š Œv 11 4 13 4 2 6
