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David Bowie

Update: 2022/7/22


š Song DAM JOY Kara
1 š(Black Star) œ œ œ
2 Absolute Beginners œ œ
3 Ashes To Ashes œ œ œ
4 Blue Jean œ œ œ
5 Cat People (Putting Out Fire) œ
6 Changes œ œ œ
7 China Girl œ œ œ
8 Dancing Out In Space œ
9 Days œ
10 Dead Man Walking œ
11 Diamond Dogs œ œ
12 Dollar Days œ
13 Fame œ œ œ
14 Fashion œ œ œ
15 Five Years œ œ
16 Golden Years œ œ œ
17 Hallo Spaceboy œ œ œ
18 Heroes œ œ œ
19 I Can't Give Everything Away œ œ
20 I'm Afraid of Americans œ
21 Jump They Say (JAE-E edit) œ
22 Lady Grinning Soul œ
23 Killing A Little Time œ
24 Lady Stardust œ œ œ
25 Lazarus œ œ œ
26 Let's Dance œ œ œ
27 Life On MarsH œ œ œ
28 Little Wonder œ
29 Look Back in Anger œ
30 Loving the Alien œ
31 Modern Love œ œ œ
32 Moonage Daydream œ œ œ
33 Never Get Old œ œ
34 New Killer Star œ
35 No Plan œ œ
36 Oh! You Pretty Things œ
37 Panic in Detroit œ
38 Reality œ
39 Rebel Rebel œ œ œ
40 Rock' N' Roll Suicide œ œ
41 Scary Monsters(and Super Creeps) œ
42 Seven œ
43 Sorrow œ
44 Soul Love œ
45 Sound And Vision œ œ
46 Space Oddity œ œ œ
47 Starman œ œ
48 Suffragette City œ œ œ
49 The Hearts Filthy Lesson(Lp Version) œ
50 The Jean Genie œ œ œ
51 The Man Who Sold The World œ œ
52 Valentine's Day œ
53 Where Are We Now? œ œ œ
54 Wild Is the Wind œ
55 Young Americans œ œ œ
56 Ziggy Stardust œ œ œ
š Œv 38 31 43




No Song DAM JOY UGA Lavca SEGA ‘·Œε‹σ
1 Ashes To Ashes - œ œ - - -
2 Blue Jean œ œ œ - - -
3 China Girl œ œ œ - - -
4 Fashion œ - œ - - -
5 Golden Years - œ œ - - -
6 Hallo Spaceboy œ - œ - - -
7 Heroes - œ - - - -
8 Jump They Say - - - - - œ
9 Lady Stardust - - œ - - -
10 Let's Dance œ œ œ œ œ œ
11 Little Wonder - - œ - - -
12 Modern Love œ œ œ - - -
13 New Killer Star - œ œ - - -
14 Reality - œ œ - - -
15 Rebel Rebel - - œ - - -
16 Scarly Monsters(and Super Creeps) - - œ - - -
17 Slow Burn - œ - - - -
18 Space Oddity - - œ - - -
19 Starman œ œ œ œ œ -
20 Suffragette City œ - œ - - -
21 The Hearts Filthy Lesson(Lp Version) œ - - - - -
22 Young Americans œ œ œ œ œ -
23 Ziggy Stardust œ œ œ œ œ -
š Œv 11 13 19 4 4 2
